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A member of the Mathematical Sciences Center (MSC) is elected to the Australian Academy of Sciences

According to the official website of the Australian Academy of Science in March 27, 2013, Prof. Ben Andrews, member of the MSC, is elected to a fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 2013.

Prof. Ben Andrews has been a senior fellow of Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University. He joined the Mathematical Sciences Center (MSC) in 2010. In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.

Since Prof Andrews’ membership in the MSC, he devotes himself to nurture students as well as make very significant progress in research. He taught undergraduate course of differential geometry in 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 respectively. He delivered seminars and talks at MSC, and invited foreign young mathematicians to visit Tsinghua for academic exchange activities. On research, Prof. Andrews works on differential geometry and related partial differential equations. He is well known for his work in geometric evolutions. In 2012, Professors Ben Andrews and Professor Haizhong Li of Tsinghua Math Department completed their joint work entitled ``Embedded constant mean curvature tori in the three-sphere,'' which gave a complete classification of CMC embedded tori in the three-sphere and solved the famous Pinkall-Sterling conjecture.

