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更新时间: 2023-11-22 编辑:CZY

陶捐,博士研究生学历,副研究员,硕士生导师。中国科学院“百篇优秀博士学位论文”获得者,云南省高层次人才引进计划“青年人才”,云南大学“东陆人才计划”青年学者,IUCN物种生存委员会专家组成员,《水生生物学报》《生态环境学报》青年编委。主要从事鱼类生态学与全球变化研究,以第一或通讯作者身份在GlobalChangeBiology、ConservationBiology、Diversity and Distributions和Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries等期刊上发表论文二十余篇,主持国家自然科学基金面上等项目6项。





2005. 09–2009.07,安徽师范大学,生命科学学院,理学学士


Liu X, Ding C,Bond N, Sun J, Ding L, Chen J, Tao J*.(2023).Spawning cohort trade-offs of reproductive time and output in cyprinid fish along an elevation gradient. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, DOI:10.1111/eff.12763.

Wang J, Ding C, Heino J, Ding L, Chen J, He D,& Tao J*. (2023). Analysing spatio‐temporal patterns of non‐native fish in a biodiversity hotspot across decades.Diversity and Distributions, 29(11), 1492–1507.

Tao J, Ding C*, Chen J, Ding L, Brosse S, Heino J, HermosoV, Wu R, Wang Z, Hu J, Che R, Jin X, Ji S, & He D*. (2023). Boosting freshwater fish conservation with high-resolution distribution mapping across a large territory. Conservation Biology, 37(3), e14036.

Chen J, Ding C, He D, Ding L, Ji S, Du T, Sun J, Huang M, & Tao J*. (2023). Assessing the conservation status of Chinese freshwater fish using deep learning. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 33, 1505–1521.

Ding C, Sun J, Huang M, Bond N, Ding L, & Tao J.* (2023). Flow and thermal regimes altered by a dam caused failure of fish recruitment in the upper Mekong River. Freshwater Biology, 68(8), 1319–1329.

Tao J, Bond N, Tun NN, & Ding C*. (2023). Keep the Salween River free-flowing (Letters). Science, 381(6656), 383–384.

Tao J, Huang M, Ding L, Wang J, & Ding C*. (2023). Low‐trophic level fishes and riverbank trees showed similar growth responses to climate warming on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 32(2), 233–246.

Tao J*,KennardMJ, Roberts DT, Fry B, Kainz MJ, Chen Y, & Bunn SE. (2020). Quality and contribution of food sources to Australian lungfish evaluated using fatty acids and stable isotopes. Aquatic Sciences, 82(1): 8.

Ding L, Chen L, Ding C*, & Tao J*. (2019). Global trends in dam removal and related research: A systematic review based on associated datasets and bibliometric analysis. Chinese Geographical Science, 29(1), 1–12.

Tao J, Ding C*, & Ho Y.-S. (2018). Publish translations of Chinese papers(Correspondence). Nature, 557(7706), 492.

Tao J, He D, Kennard MJ, Ding C, Bunn SE, Liu C, Jia Y, Che R, & Chen Y* (2018). Strong evidence for changing fish reproductive phenology under climate warming on the Tibetan Plateau. Global Change Biology, 24(5): 2093-2104.

Tao J, Kennard MJ, Jia Y, & Chen Y* (2018).Climate-driven synchrony in growth-increment chronologies of fish from the world's largest high-elevation river. Science of The Total Environment, 645: 339-346.

Tao J, Chen Y*, He D, & Ding C. (2015).Relationships between climate and growth of Gymnocypris selincuoensis in the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology and Evolution, 5(8): 1693-1701.

Tao J, Che R, He D, Yan Y, Sui X, & Chen Y* (2015).Trends and potential cautions in food web research from a bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics, 105(1): 435-447.

杨科,丁城志,陈小勇,丁刘勇,黄敏睿,陈晋南,陶捐*. (2022).怒江流域鱼类多样性及空间分布格局.生物多样性, 30(7), 21334.






