太阳成集团tyc234cc -主页欢迎您




更新时间: 2023-04-26 编辑:czy

骆霞,博士研究生,副研究员,硕士生导师。2016年毕业于美国里海大学(Lehigh University)环境工程专业,同年进入太阳成集团tyc234cc工作。主要从事环境微生物、水环境污染与修复等方面的研究工作,重点关注河流、湖泊、湿地等环境中重金属污染的环境监测、环境行为及归趋,微生物对环境污染物的调控机制和水域水生态的生物修复策略。2018年入选云南省“千人计划”青年人才专项;2020年获云南省基础研究计划——优秀青年项目。


1.Shen, L., Li, Q., Kang, Y., Xiang, Q.,Luo, X.*&Chen, L* (2023) Metabolomics reveals size-dependent persistence and reversibility of silver nanoparticles toxicity in freshwater algae.Aquatic Toxicology(2022 IF=5.202,中科院2区TOP), 258, 106471. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106471

2.Xu, H., Li, C., Wen, C., Zhu, S., Zhu, S.,Li, N., Li, R., &Luo, X.* (2023).Heavy metal fraction, pollution, and source-oriented risk assessment in biofilms on a river system polluted by mining activities.Chemosphere(2022 IF=8.943,中科院2区TOP), 322, 138137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138137

3.Xie, S., Wang, W., Li, N., Wen, C., Zhu, S., &Luo, X.* (2023). Effect of Drying–Rewetting cycles on the metal adsorption and tolerance of natural biofilms.Journal of Environmental Management(2022 IF=8.91,中科院1区TOP), 327, 116922. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.116922

4.Wang, W., Zhu, S., Li, N., Xie, S., Wen, C., &Luo, X.* (2022). Enhanced Cd2+adsorption and toxicity for microbial biofilms in the presence of TiO2nanoparticles.Environmental Pollution(2022 IF=9.988,中科院2区TOP), 314: 120239. doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120239

5.Wen, C., Zhu, S., Li, N., &Luo, X.* (2022). Source apportionment and risk assessment of metal pollution in natural biofilms and surface water along the Lancang River, China.Science of The Total Environment(2022 IF=10.753,中科院1区TOP), 843, 156977. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156977

6.Luo, X.*, Yang, Y., Xie, S., Wang, W., Li, N., Wen, C., Zhu, S., & Chen, L* (2022). Drying and rewetting induce changes in biofilm characteristics and the subsequent release of metal ions.Journal of Hazardous Materials(2022 IF=14.224,中科院1区TOP), 433(128832). doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128832

7.Luo, X., Xiang, X., Yang, Y., Huang, G., Fu, K., Che, R., & Chen, L* (2020). Seasonal effects of river flow on microbial community coalescence and diversity in a riverine network.FEMS Microbiology Ecology(2020 IF=3.77,中科院2区), 96(8). doi:10.1093/femsec/fiaa132

8.Luo, X., Xiang, X., Huang, G., Song, X., Wang, P., Yang, Y., Fu, K.*, Che, R* (2020). Bacterial community structure upstream and downstream of cascade dams along the Lancang River in southwestern China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research(2020 IF=4.01,中科院3区). doi:10.1007/s11356-020-10159-7

9.Luo, X.,Jedlicka, S. S., & Jellison, K. L. (2017). Role of Wall Shear Stress in Cryptosporidium parvum Oocyst Attachment to Environmental Biofilms.Applied and Environmental Microbiology(2017 IF=3.81,中科院2区TOP), 83(24). doi:10.1128/aem.01533-17

10.Luo, X., Jedlicka, S., & Jellison, K. (2016). Pseudo-Second-Order Calcium-Mediated Cryptosporidium parvum Oocyst Attachment to Environmental Biofilms.Applied and Environmental Microbiology(2016 IF=4.08,中科院2区TOP), 83(1). doi:10.1128/aem.02339-16









