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Call forpapers (or attendance):

The 2ndForum of Asian International Rivers(FAIR) Conference 21-26August 2016, Beijing, China

As the 21st century progresses, we are experiencing many changes due to global climate change, economic growth and globalization. These changes include a water-stressed worldwhere there is increasing competition for scarce water resources. This competition is exacerbated by having about 60% of the world’s fresh water supply being transboundary(transnational) water resources.Asia, the world’s largestcontinent in the world, is home to more than 60% of the global population. Asia also is the world’s most water-stressed continent. Its great rivers originate mainly inChinaand flow into the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. The utilization, conservation, and management of these transboundary waters are strongly linked with water security, food security, energy security, and eco-security across the Asian Mainland.
As the most important upstream country, China is internationally considered to be the key to Asian water security; water issues in Asia cannot be solved without China’s participation.Since the new 21stcentury, with the strengthening of global change and economic globalization, the reasonable utilization and integrated management of transboundary waters are playing a very important role not only in China’s Peaceful Rising but also in Asian sustainability.
To offer a multidisciplinary, multi-level, and participant-driven platform to research, discuss, and find innovative solutions to address China and Asia’s transboundary water issues,the Forum of Asian International Rivers (FAIR) was formally established on 9 August 2014 atFuxianLake, Yunnan Province, China.FAIR Headquarters and Secretariat were set at boththe Asian International Rivers Center (AIRC) at Yunnan University and the Center for International Transboundary Water and Eco-security (CITWES) at Tsinghua University.The two centers held an international workshop to celebratethe establishment of FAIR, supported by the Department for International Development (DFID) in the UK. Experts from Asia, EU, and USA participated in the discussion.(
The primary objective of FAIRwould be to reduce the adverse transboundary impacts related to transboundary water activities and to prevent conflicts by facilitating informed decision-making for transboundary waters and eco-security development in China, Asia, and the world. FAIR would provide the globe’s foremost facility for promoting transboundary water cooperation, drawing on Chinese, regional and international expertise.
The 1st FAIRconference, the International Conference of Knowledge Exchange on International Waters supported by DFID, was held on January 12th – 14th 2015 atNeiMengGuGrand Hotel, Beijing, China. Prof. QikunXue, the Vice President of Tsinghua University, and Prof. Jianhua Wang, the Vice President of Yunnan University, gave welcome speeches to the conference. The Permanent Secretary of DFID, Mr. Mark Lowcock, and the officers from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, and Ministry of Water Resources of China, attended the conference. The former and current presidents of the Nile Basin Initiative and the former chair of the Mekong River Committee were invited to give presentations at the conference.Other presentations were selected from collaborative researchers from all over the world.
The 2nd FAIR Conference on transboundary waterswill be held on August 21-25, 2016in Beijing, P. R. China, during the 33rd International Geographical Congress. The 2nd FAIR Conference was arranged to be jointly held by AIRC of Yunnan University, CITWES of Tsinghua University, and the Singapore National University, as one of the IGC's sessions under the Key Topic of Climate Change and Global Understanding(http://www.igc2016.org/dct/attach/Y2xiOmNsYjpwZGY6MTIwNDcz).
The 2nd FAIR Conference is motivated to focus on the topic of cooperative transboundary water management under the condition of global change. It will include following contents:
(1) Multi-objective utilization of water resources
(2) Transboundary eco-compensative mechanism towards the upstream-downstream development in a river basin
(3) International water laws
(4) Reservoir operation and environmental flow management
(5) Capacity building for integrated water managementFor more informationor submitting your papers, please contact:
Dr. Jianshi Zhaothe FAIR secretary general at CITWES:zhaojianshi@tsinghua.edu.cn
Dr. Wenling Wangthe FAIR operating office manager at AIRC:wangwl@ynu.edu.cn